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Address: 750 E Nakatindi Road, Livingstone, Zambia

Coordinates: S 17 49.14.18 E 25 39.25.91 

Kayube Estate is located 22 km from Livingstone Town and approximately 18 km upstream from the Victoria Falls.

To get to the estate, take the road towards Botswana, 22 km out of Livingstone.

A few kilometers outside Livingstone you pass through the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. When you come out of the park, drive past the village of Simonga.

After Simonga, there are a few turnoffs to farms and lodges. When you pass the turn-off to Chundu Farm and Chundukwa you will drive through a bend and see a hill ahead with a cellphone tower. When you are halfway to the hill you will see the sign, Kayube Estate. Turn left. After a 2.5-km off road stretch you will reach the gate and your destination.